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Roget's Moonbeam
September 2016

This is an Octolune, a verse form devised by my friend Simon Zonenblick. It has three rules: it's about the moon, it has eight lines, and the first word is "Moon". I set myself a linguistic challenge: find 8 synonyms for the moon, follow each with an adjective and noun descriptive of the moon, and both words must contain all the letters of their respective synonym. I could only think of 7 so I cheated, put "Moon" as the last word of the poem as well as the first, and preceded it with two descriptive words.

Read at the Puzzle Poets 7 November 2016

Moon: monochrome omnipotence;
Luna: nocturnal luminance;
Selene: resplendent everlastingness;
Diana: diamantine radiance;
Orb: unobscured orbiter;
Satellite: stellarite tessellation;
Hecate: unchastened earthwatcher....
Metronomic cosmopolitan Moon.